Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Love :: New Kate Spade, Silk Blouses and Color

Lord I love this stuff. Not just the blouse, the dress, the coat... but the ways that these ensembles are put together. The pop! The glamour! Oh-la-la!

One of my wardrobe staples is the bold print silk blouse like the cream and black polka dot number shown above. I scour my haunts for vintage versions made in Hong Kong, usually from the 80s. Snip out the shoulder pads, fluff up the details, and you are ready to rock.

Check out the new Kate Spade website here.


Anonymous said...

LOVE! I could see you in all of these outfits!!

EsseQuamVideri said...

Why thank you! Love your new profile pic, MBM!

Stuart Shea said...

yeah, that stuff is totally you.

Ceci said...

So vintage...Yes!

Anonymous said...

I am on the look out for one of these blouses to add to my wardrobe. I wish I had your haunts to scour!